Our Privacy Policy for this web site and any one using this web site.
1st For Car Hire Ltd is a company registered and limited under company number 05107534 in England and Wales and whose registered office is situated at 7 Fidlas Road, Llanishen, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales CF14 0LW and in these terms and conditions here in after called The Company, We, Us, Ours.
Where the Company operates under any trading names then those trading names are also incorporated as being within the term The Company, We, Us, Ours.
The Company runs, operates and manages several web sites. The web site on which this Privacy Policy is displayed is one of those web sites. The web site which You are browsing and on which this Privacy Policy is displayed is herein after called The Web Site. That term ‘The Web Site’ will include any other web pages and other web sites operated, managed or run by The Company and linked to The Web Site.
You are a visitor user customer or browser of The web site either in person of when some other party is acting as Your agent and here in after in this Privacy Policy called You, Your, Customer or Consumer.
In order to process Your booking We need to use the information You provide and pass this on to third parties who are part of the service chain. That can mean passing Your personal data outside of the United Kingdom. That would certainly be the case if You wanted to book a car hire overseas. The booking form that appears on The web site collects Your data to pass on the Etrawler Limited who arrange the car hire booking.
By filing in Your data on the booking form You agree to Us using Your data to provide the service You request including passing that data to third parties (connected either directly or indirectly with providing the service) and to that data being sent overseas if that is required in providing the service.
We take full responsibility for ensuring that reasonable security measures are in place to protect Your information when it is held by Us.
Once Your information is passed on to the supplier (such as Etrawler Limited) the use of the information will be subject to their own data protection policy. You may find copies of this policy in their terms and conditions or You may request it from Us.
You have the right to see personal data (as defined under the Data Protection Act) that We keep about You upon receipt of a written request and payment of a fee of £10. Any request should be sent to: The Data Controller, 1st For Hire car Ltd. 7 Fidlas Rd Llanishen Cardiff, CF14 0L).
Where You request the service on behalf of another then by requesting such service You confirm that You have full authority to provide information on behalf of that other person or legal entity, to warrant that such information is true and correct and You have full authority to commit that person or legal entity to any contract or agreement entered into on this web site. Where You request that service on Your own behalf then by requesting such service You confirm that any information You provide is true and correct and You have full authority to enter into any contract You enter into on this web site.
Where You provide Us with an address telephone number facsimile number or e-mail address then You warrant that such method of communication is suitable for Us to Use and You warrant that method of communication can be used for personal and or sensitive information and or for communication purposes connected with any contract or service..
Where We collect information about You for submission to third party service providers, You agree and confirm by providing such information, that You have any such authority and rights required to allow Us to use such information in the way described in this privacy policy and in our terms and conditions.
We may use cookies in order to make it easier for You to use The Web Site or revisit The Web Site. We may also use cookies in order to monitor the flow of traffic to and from our web site and to monitor the Web site usage patterns.
We may also use Your data to contact You about similar services that We provide and that may be of interest to You.
Version: 15th May 2008.